"Allahumma shalli wasallim wabarik 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa'alaa 'aalihii bi'adadi anwaa'ir rizqi walfutuuhaati yaa baasithal ladzii yabsuthur rizqaliman yasyaau bighairi hisaabin ubsut 'alainaa rizqan waasi'an, minkulli jihatin minjamii'i ghaibika boghairi minnatin makhluuqin bimakhdhi fadhlika wakaramika yaa rahmaanu".
Artinya :
Ya Allah anugerahkanlah rahmat serta keselamatan dan berkah kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW. dan juga atas keluarganya sebanyak bilangan rizqi dan pintu rizqi. Wahai Dzat yang menganugerahkan rizqi kepada siapa siapayang Dia kehendaki tanpa hitungan. Anugerahkanlah rizqi yang luas bagi kami dari setiap arah perbendaharaanMu yang ghaib dengan tiada makhluk lain yang mengundat-undat (karena iri hati) hanya karena anugerah dan kedermawananMu dan kemulyaanMu, wahai Dzat Yang Pemurah.
Fadhilah dan Khasiatnya :
Bagi ihwan yang kehidupan ekonominya pas-pasan/sempit, dapat mengamalkan sholawat ini secara istiqomah, istiqomah ini penting karena untuk mengukur sapai di mana tingkat kesengguhan kita dalam berdoa. Tentu saja harus disertai keyakinan yang mantap Insya Allah akan diberikan kelapangan rizqi oleh Allah SWT dari arah yang tidak terduga, sebab Allah SWT Maha Pemberi Rizqi lagi maha Pemurah. Sholawat ini baik sekali dibaca 1.000 kali waktu tengah malam setelah shalat hajat,
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The 46-year-old actress added, michael kors selma satchel "I feel fantastic."Berry also has a daughter, Nahla, 5, with a former boyfriend, model Gabriel Aubry. The actress said last year that her daughter, Nahla, had been hoping for a younger sibling, and the 4-year-old is finally michael kors bedford medium shoulder tote getting her wish."[Nahla] says, 'God, please bring me a bunk bed and a baby sister,'" she said last fall. "I say, 'I can do one of those michael kors selma sale things, I know for sure. The other one, we've got to keep praying on.'"TMZ reported that Berry and Martinez, 47, are expecting a baby boy, but she told CNN she did not know what she was having.Berry recently teamed up with designer Michael Kors to fight hunger through the United Nations World Food Programme."Especially now, being a pregnant woman and already michael kors black hamilton having a child … it's so important what happens to the baby while they're in utero. And the first 1,000 days is fundamental," Berry told CNN Want the dazzle and pizzazz of the first lady's fashion?
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